BioWare has detailed several forthcoming changes due to be made to Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer component, including the inclusion of a challenge system.
A “Challenge” system will see players completing “hundreds of new multiplayer challenges”, which, if it’s successfully completed, delivers Challenge Points that offer nothing more than bragging rights.
“Completion of the top tier “Gold” challenges will reward you with a unique banner and title to display in the multiplayer game lobby,” BioWare explained. “Gold challenges can be completed multiple times for even more points. We’ve also added an additional leaderboard to keep track of the points you collect.”
The Challenge component integrates a new system that allows players to track their progress as they complete challenges, in addition to a N7 HQ web page that delivers a more detailed look into statistics.
“We’ll still be running weekend events, but they’ll be a bit different. When you jump into multiplayer, you’ll be notified that there’s a new Weekend Challenge available. Just like the current Operations, these challenges will only be up for the weekend. But now you’ll be able to instantly track your progress. You’ll also get the spoils of your efforts as soon as you’ve completed the event. No more waiting for the next Tuesday (or longer) to get your Commendation Pack!”
The current schedule of having a Weekend Challenge bi-weekly will not occur every weekend. New kits and other “surprises” will be offered each week as well.
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