



Max Payne 3 Classic Multiplayer Character Pack Detailed

Max Payne 3 Classic Multiplayer Character Pack Detailed


The Classic Multiplayer Character Pack, a DLC pack available at launch as part of the Max Payne 3 Special Edition, has been detailed on the official Rockstar website.

The pack includes a variety of characters from Max Payne 1 and Max Payne 2, including older models of Max Payne himself, playable in the game’s Deathmatch mode. The pack also includes Vladimir Lem, Vincent Gognitti, Jack Lupino, Alfred Woden, Mona Sax, Valerie Winterson, and Nicole Horne.

As of now, the pack is only available to players who ordered the Special Edition, but it will be made available to the public at an as-of-yet-undecided later date.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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