



Mega Man Comic Blasting Store Shelves Next Year

Mega Man Comic Blasting Store Shelves Next Year


Although the Mega Man game franchise has had some questionable-quality issues over the past few decades, I don’t think anyone has ever complained about the story in the games (primarily because most Mega Man games don’t really have one). However, if you are just itching to have some narrative to go along with your blasting, you can check out the new Mega Man comic, which is being released sometime next year. The as-yet untitled comic will be published by Archie Comics, which has also handled other game-to-comic adaptations like the Sonic the Hedgehog and the Nights into Dreams series. This new series will have nothing to do with the four-issue Mega Man comic that was released in 2003, and will stand on its own to compliment the latest Mega Man games. Although plot details have yet to be released, in a statement Archie comics promised a “faithful” adaptation while providing a “fresh eye” for the series.

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