



Microsoft Currently Owns All Xbox One Domain Names

Microsoft Currently Owns All Xbox One Domain Names

According to Fusible, Microsoft now owns all of the domains related to the Xbox One. While this may seem unimportant to some, it actually makes Microsoft the first company to officially own the domain names that match its next generation console. Nintendo, for example, was recently denied ownership of WiiU.com which is registered to a private citizen. Sony hasn’t even tried to acquire PlayStatation4.com, which currently redirects visitors to PSX Extreme, a PlayStation news site.

The domains in question were XboxOne.com and XboxOne.net, both of which were registered to a resident of the United Kingdom. Microsoft filed a complaint over the domain names in May. The domains were reregistered to the Richard Law Group, the law firm that usually represents Microsoft in domain disputes. The firm also helped Microsoft secure XboxPhone.com and XboxTablet.com last year.

Now that Microsoft owns the domain names for its next-generation console, perhaps other companies will start redoubling their efforts to do the same. Is this a great way to solidify a first party’s marketing message, or just a waste of time and resources? Tell us what you think in the comments.

Source: Fusible

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