



Minecraft Players Will Soon Be Able to Change Their Usernames

Minecraft Players Will Soon Be Able to Change Their Usernames

Mojang has finally added a feature to Minecraft that many players have been asking for. Now, you can change your name! Well, not now, but soon. The new update will be coming on February 4 th .

There are a couple restrictions on name changing. First of all, no duplicates will be allowed, as you would expect. Secondly, if a player changes their name, another player cannot immediately take it.  The former name will be locked out for 37 days. In addition, you will not be able to change your name every day. Each time you change it, you will have a 30 day waiting period to change it again. This means ou have a chance to take back your old name if you don’t like your new one, before it becomes available to the masses.

Usernames from the free version of Minecraft will be discontinued when the name-change service arrives. However, if you want to hang on to your old unpaid username, you’ll have to buy it by switching over to a paid account. It’s also worth noting that banned players will not be unbanned simply by a name change.

Source: Mojang

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