



Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Secrets Unveiled At CoD XP

Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Secrets Unveiled At CoD XP


Call of Duty XP, September’s inaugural convention for the most serious of Call of Duty fans, has already made news. First with its announcement, then with the reveal that all attendees would receive a “hardened” edition copy of Modern Warfare 3 upon the game’s release. Now, though, Robert Bowling’s Twitter has the Modern Warfare-loving travelers of the Internet on the edges of their seats.

Bowling confirms that, between now and the convention, there will be no further multiplayer details. He goes on to say, however, that, “Then there will be no MP secrets!” Does this mean that the entire multiplayer game will be unveiled come Call of Duty XP? Perks lists, gameplay modes, weapons, everything?

The game is slated for a November 8 launch, only a couple of months after the upcoming convention, which runs September 2 and 3. Giving convention attendees a first look at these features could pay off and excite the masses, or it could just kill the surprise. We’ll find out in September.

By Shelby Reiches

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