



Namco Registers A New Soulcalibur Trademark

Namco Registers A New Soulcalibur Trademark

Just a few days ago, publisher Namco Bandai filed for a European trademark by the name of “Lost Swords” to be used for gaming. They have since posted a teaser countdown site which has confirmed that they are planning to announce a new 3DS title. However, today’s update comes as a monkey wrench in the notion that there’s a new IP headed for the 3DS. Namco has now filed for a new trademark, specifically: “Soulcalibur: Lost Swords.”

This comes as a surprise. Namco’s countdown site still has several days on it, and has not changed its 3DS position. However, a Soul Calibur game on 3DS seems incredibly unlikely, as the series has never touched handhelds in the past. The best thing we can do for now is wait, and hope that we get some answers from Comic-Con or even Gamescom.

Source: Gematsu

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