



New Character, Edna, Revealed for Tales of Zestria

New Character, Edna, Revealed for Tales of Zestria

Bandai Namco has recently revealed yet another Tales of Zestria character in the latest Famitsu . She is a silent and stoic character, never showing much emotion. She is a part of the “heavenly tribe” and can perform earth elemental based “heaven echo” artes. She carries around an umbrella everywhere, though it’s unclear whether or not she uses this in battle.

The latest Famitsu also revealed some details about the two prtagonists of the game as well. Alicia, the heroine of the game, utilizes a spear which is longer than her body. She is a midrange fighter who uses quick attacks along with area attacks to keep all enemies off her. Slay, her supporting male, is a more traditional sword user. He is incredibly aggressive and can channel elements into his sword to hit enemy weaknesses for massive damage.

We will bring you more information on Tales of Zestria as it becomes available.

Source: Siliconera

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