Recently, Nintendo revealed more details about their upcoming title, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon. Many of these details are gameplay related, fleshing out Luigi’s new abilities with the Poltergust vacuum.
The Poltergust can now do more than just suck up ghosts. It can interact with the environment as well. Luigi will be able to move objects and carry them around with the Poltergust’s sucking ability. In fact, many of the mansions in Dark Moon will involve environmental puzzles and ghosts that can only be captured with these secondary abilities.
The game will also feature local and online multiplayer connectivity. Players will be able to experience the game’s newly minted co-op modes, or participate in special competitive matches. Right now, details on the game’s competitive multiplayer modes have not been released. However, we have seen a Luigi’s Mansion-based multiplayer mode in Nintendoland, so it’s possible that the multiplayer here might be similar.
Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon is due out March 24 th .
Source: GameInformer
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