It has been promised that new information regarding the ambitious open-universe adventure game, No Man’s Sky , will be revealed at at Sony’s PlayStation Experience, an event where the company will show off its new products and even allow you to have hands-on experiences with them.
In a recently released video, it has been teased by the co-founder of the developer behind No Man’s Sky , Hello Games, that new gameplay and new features will be revealed during the event, Sean Murray, the co-founder in question, has teased that the developer will be “ showing something really different, a whole lot of new gameplay and features and things like that.”
“ We’re also going to be doing something completely different, ” he then added. ” Something a little bit crazy—we’re calling it ‘A Night Under No Man’s Sky .’ It’s something different, something that hasn’t been done before. We hope you can join us and experience it in person. ”
No Man’s Sky will debut on Sony’s PlayStation 4 at a yet-to-be-released date (although it’s said to release worldwide in 2015). A PC version has also been confirmed .
We’ve also established that No Man’s Sky may also be implemented with “ a more traditional multiplayer, ” which was teased during a recent interview with Murray.
We’ll bring you more news on No Man’s Sky should further information reach our ears. This year’s PlayStation Experience will be taking place on Saturday, December 6 through to Sunday, December 7 in Las Vegas. You can watch No Man’s Sky PlayStation Experience teaser via the embedded video below.