NFL Quarterback Club 2000 Cheat Codes
Enter one of the following codes at the cheat menu to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Code |
Alien stadium | SCLLYMLDR |
Rugby mode | RGBY |
More fumbles | BTTRFNGRS |
More injuries | HSPTL |
Big football | BCHBLL |
Flubber ball | FLBBR |
Smoking ball and players | HSNFR |
Small players | SHRTGYS |
Thin players | TTHPCK |
Fat players | MRSHMLLW |
Landmines on field | PPCRNRTRNS |
Large coin at toss | BGMNY |
Slow-motion mode | FRRSTGMP |
-Some codes from: [email protected]
Home Team Infinite Time Outs | 80054956 0003 |
Home Team No Time Outs | 80054956 0000 |
Away Team Infinite Time Outs | 80054ED6 0003 |
Away Team No Time Outs | 80054ED6 0000 |
Infinite Time to Choose Play | 81081448 2800 |
Press GS Button For 1st Down | 880802A4 0001 |
Press GS Button For 4th Down | 880802A4 0004 |
Press GS Button to Reset Timer to Modifier | 890802A4 ???? |
Character Creation Codes | |
Infinite Creation Points | 8107B36E 03E7 |
Max Acc | 8007526D 0064 |
Max Rng | 8007526F 0064 |
Max Scr | 80075271 0064 |
Max Rcg | 80075273 0064 |
Max Clu | 80075275 0064 |
Max Spd | 80075277 0064 |
Max Hnd | 80075279 0064 |
Max Cat | 8007527B 0064 |
Max End | 8007527D 0064 |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.