NFL Quarterback Club ’98 Hidden message
Select the New Orleans Saints as a team and begin a game at the Superdome. Then, begin an instant replay and press Z to enter camera mode. Now press L to pan up to look at the right side of either goal to find the phrase “Get Back On The Bus John-Boy… Its Our Game Now”, in reference to John Madden.
Cheat Codes
Enter one of the following codes at the cheat menu to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Code |
Eight downs | 8DWNDRV |
Tall skinny players | BBMNTBL |
Super defense | BGBFYDF |
Stronger receivers | BGBFYFF |
Further dives | BGSPRDV |
Spinning reciever | BGTWSTRS |
Better quarterback | BRDWYNMTH |
Farther jumps | CRLLWYS |
Infinite downs | DWNDRV |
Slow-motion mode | FRMBYFRM |
Large players | GLYTHMD |
Fumble mode | GTNHNDS |
Constant fumbles | GTNHNDS |
Short players | JPNSMWR |
Instant passes | LDSTRTRK |
Disable all cheats | LLCHTSFF |
Poor defense | LLDFSCK |
Poor offense | LLFFSCK |
Ball tipped on passes | LWYSTPSS |
Fast players | MCHLJNSN |
Constant dives | MNFLDMD |
Never tackle | NBCTCKLS |
Crawling players | PBYBYMD |
Poor players | PWHYRMN |
Strong, but slow running backs | RNLDSWZNGR |
Small players | SMLMDGT |
Sled mode | SNWSLDS |
100 yard passes, kicks, and punts | SPRBGRMS |
Always tackle | SPRDPRTCKL |
Slippery field | SPRSLYD |
Super players | SPRTMMD |
Turbo running | SPRTRBMD |
Acclaim and Iguana teams | STNTXTM |
Easier catches | STYCKYHNDS |
No fumbles | TGHTGRP |
Poor quarterback | TRNTDLFR |
Stronger running backs | WLTRPYTN |
Electric football mode | YLCTRCFB |
Maximum discipline and awareness stats | YNSTYNS |
Home Team Infinite Time Outs | 80056B96 0003 |
Home Team No Time Outs | 80056B96 0000 |
Away Team Infinite Time Outs | 80056F8E 0003 |
Away Team No Time Outs | 80056F8E 0000 |
Infinite Time to Choose Play | 800A6739 0028 |
No Time to Choose Play | 800A6739 0000 |
Press GS Button To Reset Timer to 0:00 | 890A4A26 0000 |
Press GS Button to Reset Timer to 5:00 | 890A4A26 012C |
Press GS Button To Reset Timer to a Large Number | 890A4A26 FFFF |
Press GS Button For 1st Down | 880A5376 0001 |
Press GS Button For 2nd Down | 880A5376 0002 |
Press GS Button For 3rd Down | 880A5376 0003 |
Press GS Button For 4th Down | 880A5376 0004 |
Character Creation Codes | |
Press GS Button For Max Speed | 800B0B97 0064 |
Press GS Button For Max Strength | 800B0B99 0064 |
Press GS Button For Max Agility | 800B0B9B 0064 |
Press GS Button For Max Aware | 800B0B9D 0064 |
Press GS Button For Max Discipline | 800B0B9F 0064 |
Press GS Button For Max Endurance | 800B0BA1 0064 |
Press GS Button For Max Pass Acc | 800B0BA3 0064 |
Press GS Button For Max Pass Rng | 800B0BA5 0064 |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.