



NFL Quarterback Club ’98 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Nintendo 64 (N64)

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

NFL Quarterback Club ’98 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Nintendo 64 (N64)

NFL Quarterback Club ’98 Hidden message

Select the New Orleans Saints as a team and begin a game at the Superdome. Then, begin an instant replay and press Z to enter camera mode. Now press L to pan up to look at the right side of either goal to find the phrase “Get Back On The Bus John-Boy… Its Our Game Now”, in reference to John Madden.

Cheat Codes

Enter one of the following codes at the cheat menu to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Code
Eight downs 8DWNDRV
Tall skinny players BBMNTBL
Super defense BGBFYDF
Stronger receivers BGBFYFF
Further dives BGSPRDV
Spinning reciever BGTWSTRS
Better quarterback BRDWYNMTH
Farther jumps CRLLWYS
Infinite downs DWNDRV
Slow-motion mode FRMBYFRM
Large players GLYTHMD
Fumble mode GTNHNDS
Constant fumbles GTNHNDS
Short players JPNSMWR
Instant passes LDSTRTRK
Disable all cheats LLCHTSFF
Poor defense LLDFSCK
Poor offense LLFFSCK
Ball tipped on passes LWYSTPSS
Fast players MCHLJNSN
Constant dives MNFLDMD
Never tackle NBCTCKLS
Crawling players PBYBYMD
Poor players PWHYRMN
Strong, but slow running backs RNLDSWZNGR
Small players SMLMDGT
Sled mode SNWSLDS
100 yard passes, kicks, and punts SPRBGRMS
Always tackle SPRDPRTCKL
Slippery field SPRSLYD
Super players SPRTMMD
Turbo running SPRTRBMD
Acclaim and Iguana teams STNTXTM
Easier catches STYCKYHNDS
No fumbles TGHTGRP
Poor quarterback TRNTDLFR
Stronger running backs WLTRPYTN
Electric football mode YLCTRCFB
Maximum discipline and awareness stats YNSTYNS

Game Shark Codes

Home Team Infinite Time Outs 80056B96 0003
Home Team No Time Outs 80056B96 0000
Away Team Infinite Time Outs 80056F8E 0003
Away Team No Time Outs 80056F8E 0000
Infinite Time to Choose Play 800A6739 0028
No Time to Choose Play 800A6739 0000
Press GS Button To Reset Timer to 0:00 890A4A26 0000
Press GS Button to Reset Timer to 5:00 890A4A26 012C
Press GS Button To Reset Timer to a Large Number 890A4A26 FFFF
Press GS Button For 1st Down 880A5376 0001
Press GS Button For 2nd Down 880A5376 0002
Press GS Button For 3rd Down 880A5376 0003
Press GS Button For 4th Down 880A5376 0004
Character Creation Codes
Press GS Button For Max Speed 800B0B97 0064
Press GS Button For Max Strength 800B0B99 0064
Press GS Button For Max Agility 800B0B9B 0064
Press GS Button For Max Aware 800B0B9D 0064
Press GS Button For Max Discipline 800B0B9F 0064
Press GS Button For Max Endurance 800B0BA1 0064
Press GS Button For Max Pass Acc 800B0BA3 0064
Press GS Button For Max Pass Rng 800B0BA5 0064

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