



Nier: Automata and Final Fantasy XV Collaborations Planned

Nier: Automata and Final Fantasy XV Collaborations Planned

Square Enix likes to reference its games in other, unrelated games. Sora, from Kingdom Hearts , is going to appear in World of Final Fantasy . Final Fantasy VII and XII characters show up in Final Fantasy Tactics . They’re clever nods, and Nier: Automata and Final Fantasy XV will do the same. The two games will each have collaborative efforts that bring an element from one game into the other.

Right now, we only know what Final Fantasy XV reference will be in Nier: Automata . YoRHa No.2 Type B will be able to wield Noctis’ sword. She’ll have an Engine Blade, a one-handed sword based on his, that has the same damage display, effects, and model as the one he uses in Final Fantasy XV. Maybe Noctis will get one of YoRHa’s weapons too?

I think it’s a little odd that the Nier: Automata collaboration was revealed first. I mean, Final Fantasy XV will be out at the end of the month, and Nier: Automata won’t come to Japan until February 23, 2017 and the rest of the world until later in 2017. Shouldn’t we know how it’ll be featured in Final Fantasy XV first?

Source: Hachima Kikou , Gematsu

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