



Ninja Gaiden 3 PS3 Will Move You

Ninja Gaiden 3 PS3 Will Move You


Ninja Gaiden 3’s mission statement has been “blood and steel.” Ryu carries the steel and his enemies spill the blood. When he cuts them with the steel. Of his sword.

It’s violent and visceral, with a combat system reconfigured specifically to make each kill more personal and impressive. Whether the QTE-esque system Team NINJA has in place for it will accomplish that is something we can’t know until the game is in our hands, but its prospects on the PlayStation 3 just took a turn for the strange.

In a press release sent out today, Team NINJA and Tecmo Koei have announced full PlayStation Move support for Ninja Gaiden 3. How will this manifest in a game that, while about swordplay, has been traditionally over-the-top and frenetic. Gesture-based combat was attempted on the Wii, and even titles with relatively tame combat, such as Twilight Princess, suffered for the waggle. Ninja Gaiden has always demanded split-second reactions and fast, precise inputs. How will the Move be implemented so that the very nature of human movement doesn’t work against it on this game?

We’ll let you know when the game comes out next year.

By Shelby Reiches

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