



Nintendo Denies Any Future iPhone Plans

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Nintendo Denies Any Future iPhone Plans


In the past, we’ve heard some strong words from Nintendo bigwigs about the iPhone as a gaming platform. Heck, at one point, Reggie himself said he was worried that gamers would come to expect all portable games to cost a dollar, thus ruining the expectation of quality and severely damaging the portable market as a whole. Nintendo’s position has always been to publish on their own portable platforms.

Needless to say, when a Japanese Pokémon iPhone game popped up, a lot of people were confused. The game is called “Pokémon Say Tap BW,” and it’s a timing/rhythm game that has you tapping Pokémon cards to music. So yeah, it’s not the greatest game out there, but it’s a Pokémon game nonetheless.

Well, here’s a lesson kids: Pokémon is only partially owned by Nintendo. Nintendo specifically owns 32 percent of the company. While this is more than enough to get Pikachu into the Super Smash Brothers games, it’s not enough to allow Nintendo to keep Pokémon from coming to the iPhone (especially considering the most recent game in question is actually related to the Pokémon Card Game).

So, in short, this hasn’t changed Nintendo’s point of view on the iPhone at all. A Nintendo representative recently said to Bloomberg that “their position hasn’t changed and won’t change.” No iPhone. No Droid. No Mario for you.

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