



Norway Terrorist Says “Modern Warfare 2 Was My Training Simulation”

Norway Terrorist Says “Modern Warfare 2 Was My Training Simulation”


For those of you who aren’t aware, a tragedy struck Norway recently. One man killed 92 people in Oslo under the pretense of protecting his country’s culture. Anders Behring Breivik, the man in question, is described as a right-wing religious fundamentalist, and recently authorities found a 1,500 page manifesto of his that said Muslim integration will eventually destroy the world.

In his manifesto, Breivik detailed ways he kept himself sharp. While he recommended that would-be terrorists should practice with a real assault rifle, he also said that “simulation by playing Call of Duty, Modern Warfare” is a good alternative. He also said that using social “taboos” can keep people from prying into your actions. Breivik recommends saying you are a World of Warcraft addict to justify any actions you may take that seem suspicious.

Our sincere condolences go out to the families affected by this attack, and we certainly hope video games don’t become a scapegoat in this case.

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