Octodad charmed players with its unique premise. The main character has a wife and a family, but he’s also an octopus attempting to disguise himself as a human. Now FaceRig could help players see things from Octodad’s perspective thanks to facial recognition technology. This is possible because Young Horse responded to FaceRig’s query for developers to test the project. I suppose things are going well for FaceRig if Young Horse responded to their query, let alone for the fact that they accumulated $307,015—their original goal being $120,000—from their Indiegogo campaign.
FaceRig most likely won’t be necessary to enjoy Octodad for what it is, but perhaps it could help players immerse themselves in a new way. If you’re a fan of Octodad or just interested in the technology, you can check out the beta for FaceRig this August.
[ Eurogamer ]