



Overwatch’s First Strike Comic Has Been Cancelled

Overwatch’s First Strike Comic Has Been Cancelled

An Overwatch comic book is not to be. More specifically, Overwatch: First Strike isn’t happening. Blizzard has announced the cancellation of the graphic novel announced in July 2016. The over 100 page story with a script from Micky Neilson and art from Ludo Lullabi going over Gabriel Reyes, Jack Morrison, Ana Amari, Reinhardt Wilhelm, and Torbjörn Lindholm’s early adventures as the original Overwatch during the Omnic Crisis aren’t happening.

There’s a good reason for it, though. Michael Chu, Overwatch’ s lead writer, said it’s due to the story heading in a different direction than they really thought. To be more specific, Chu said, “In the years since First Strike ‘s conception, we have done a lot of development on the universe and its stories. While the core of this story remains, we have changed and expanded upon how we see the events that took place during the first days of Overwatch.” The story is still going to be told, but not as Overwatch: First Strike .

Think of this as an example of growing pains. Sometimes, with a project as big as this, things can change as new characters and lore are introduced. Better to cancel a project that doesn’t fit than have inaccurate information out there for the sake of making more money!

Source: Battle.net

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