It has begun! A new year has dawned in Overwatch . Players can now sign in and enjoy a Year of the Rooster event until February 13. What does that mean? Well, everything you’d expect from this game’s event. A Capture the Rooster mode has been added in the arcade, 13 skins have been added for Mei,, Winston, Zenyatta, Reinhardt, Symmetra, Roadhog, Bastion, Mercy, Tracer, Ana, and Junkrat, and there are over 100 emotes, highlight intros, and sprays. There’s so much to collect!
The Capture the Rooster mode is basically Overwatch’ s Capture the Flag mode. You’re divided into two teams of six. Each team has a flag they must defend, while also trying to capture the opposing team’s flag and bring it to their own. The first team to collect a flag three times or more times than their enemy before time runs out wins.
Here’s Overwatch’ s Year of the Rooster event trailer.
I have to say, the Capture the Flag mode is really great. I had so much fun playing it last night. And the new skins look very cool. I was fortunate enough to get Mei’s Luna skin. Considering how important defenders are in this new mode, I have a feeling I’ll be using it a lot between now and February 13!