



Overwatch’s Competitive Play Isn’t Delayed

Overwatch’s Competitive Play Isn’t Delayed

False alarm, folks! Sound the all-clear. A premature and inaccurate tweet yesterday set off alarm bells. It claimed the Overwatch competitive mode wouldn’t be released until July. However, Blizzard quickly worked to right its wrong, sending out the correct information. The competitive multiplayer will be arriving later this month as planned.

In Overwatch’ s Competitive Play, people rise through the ranks based on their performances. They can enter into these matches solo or in a group, provided they’ve reached level 25. Everyone starts out in the Challenger tier, with its five ranked divisions, and rises up through Advanced, Expert, and Master. You get 20 points for winning and lose 20 for losing, you need to get 100 points to go from one division to the next, and then you need to have 100 points at a tier’s final division to move to the next tier.

It’s going to be exciting stuff and, if all goes well, it’ll be here soon. After all, a June window means it can’t take too much longer for Blizzard to finish it. In the meantime, keep doing what you’re doing in Overwatch . I’m sure you’re still enjoying it.

Source: Twitter

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