Have you been dreaming of the day you can participate in Ranked Overwatch matches? Congratulations! If you’re on a PC, that moment has arrived. Blizzard has sent out the patch that allows people on computers to face off in a competitive mode.
Don’t feel too jealous if you’re on a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. Your time will come. The Overwatch competitive multiplayer patch is going through Sony and Microsoft’s approval processes, and Blizzard expects consoles to get Ranked play next week. Which means that whole July delay rumor earlier this month was partially true.
But back to the Overwatch competitive multiplayer mode. Due to the launch date being a bit later than expected, the first season will be shorter than usual. They’re supposed to be three months long, with 2.5 months of play. Since this one is coming out in the middle of the Summer 2016 season, it’ll be 1.5 months long instead. The seasons will begin their usual, 2.5 month run starting with the Fall 2016 season on August 18.
Basically, this means everyone with a PC and copy of Overwatch is going to have a very good weekend!
Source: Battle.net