



PAYDAY: The Heist Returns With Christmas Cheer

PAYDAY: The Heist Returns With Christmas Cheer


Sony Online Entertainment is updating their cooperative crime spree game, PAYDAY: The Heist, for the holiday season with a new holiday-themed item, achievement, and even a giveaway.

There will be wrapped presents hidden throughout the game’s multiplayer mode. Upon finding one, players will get a special achievement that can only be earned during the holiday season, along with the ultimate Santa mask in-game item. This will allow them to masquerade as Santa as long as the holiday promotion continues. In addition, everyone with the ultimate Santa mask has a chance to win a gift from Steam. Merry Christmas and happy holidays, criminals.

In addition, Sony Online Entertainment will also be patching the game to add lots of new non-holiday content such as improved combat, player drop-in, better A.I., and new masks. So put a bank heist on your list of holiday plans this year.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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