



Portal 2 Getting In-Game Editor

Portal 2 Getting In-Game Editor


PC gamers with Portal 2 have had access to the Hammer modding tools for quite some time now, but frankly, these are a bit too hard to use for the layman. If we are going to see a good selection of fan-made puzzles, we’re going to need something a little bit simpler. Well, that’s exactly what Valve is going to give us.

Valve has announced that it is working on an in-game editor that will allow users to create and share their own single-player and co-op test champers. Supposedly, the new editor should have a simple interface that will allow users to build their own test chambers without having to learn any basic programming skills. The specific abilities of the editor have not yet been revealed, but I do hope that it allows us to record our own passive aggressive GLaDOS dialogue.

The editor is sure to increase the replay value of Portal 2, which, even though it shipped over two million units and is regarded as one of the best games of its time, still doesn’t have a lot of replayability. Now users themselves will be able to make nearly impossible test chambers, and cackle maniacally as other users attempt to solve them.

The one safety measure I hope the editor has is a way to check to see if the puzzles users make are indeed solvable before allowing them to upload them. Unsolvable fan-made puzzles are some of the most frustrating things in the world of user-generated content.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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