



Portal 2 Test Chamber Editor Available On May 8th

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Portal 2 Test Chamber Editor Available On May 8th


Yesterday, Valve announced the Perpetual Testing Initiative, which is fancy Portal talk for “brand new test chamber editor.”

The editor will be made available on May 8th, and will not only allow users to easily create their own test chambers, but also to share them with the community and play other community members’ creations. According to Valve, the interface is intuitive and will allow you to easily make puzzles without ever leaving the game. Hopefully they will include some sort of safety measure against unsolvable puzzles. Being dropped into a room with thousands of turrets and no way out is never fun.

Unfortunately, the editor will only be made available on PC and Mac through the Steam interface. Console users will unfortunately be left behind. This is particularly saddening, considering that the PC and PS3 versions of Portal 2 have cross-platform support. Valve has not yet commented on whether or not they will be releasing a console version of the editor.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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