



Primal Releases On PSN Today

Primal Releases On PSN Today


Primal was a cult classic action-adventure game for the PS2 that had a decently strong following. It followed a main character with shapeshifting demonic powers uncovering a supernatural conspiracy and eventually becoming involved with a fight to prevent Armageddon and save the world.

It’s nearly impossible to encapsulate the scope of this game in a few mere sentences, but suffice it to say it was popular enough to come back. This time, it’s hitting the PSN.

Mark Gibbons, Lead Artist on the project, boasted a little. “It’s unquestionably the story and characters within Primal that fans really connected with,” he said, “which is very gratifying since we invested a huge amount of time and effort into those aspects of the game.”

Mitch Philips, Lead Character Animator, commented on the challenges of making the game back in the PS2 era. “This was, at the time, an ambitious project. The lead character was able to change from one demon state to another, with her combat styles and attacks matching her demonic state and abilities… Modern titles such as Bayonetta have succeeded in doing this very well but, at the time, this was very difficult.”

You’ll probably want to give this one a shot when it hits PSN later today.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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