



Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

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Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale

New Game+ mode

Successfully complete the game by paying off all the debts each week to unlock New Game+ mode. This mode allows you to start a second playthrough with your previously earned items and levels.

Survival mode

Successfully complete the game by paying off all the debts each week to unlock Survival mode. This mode requires you to pay back debts every week.

Merchant Level unlockables

Reach the indicated Merchant Level to unlock the corresponding bonus:

    Merchant Level 2: Customers sell. Customers sell items to you.
    Merchant Level 3: Can take orders. Customers may give you a general order you must fill.
    Merchant Level 4: More items. At this level, more items can be found at the guild and market.
    Merchant Level 6: Change wallpaper. You may change the wallpaper in your store; buy them at the market.
    Merchant Level 7: Advance orders. You may accept orders in advance that you fulfill at a later date.
    Merchant Level 5: Fusion Rank 1. At this level, Rank 1 fusion items are available at the guild.
    Merchant Level 8: Change floor. You may change the floor in your store; buy them at the market.
    Merchant Level 9: Change carpet. You may change the carpet in your store; buy them at the market.
    Merchant Level 10: Move counters. You may rearrange the counters in your store at will.
    Merchant Level 11: More items. Even more items can be found at the guild or in the market.
    Merchant Level 12: Store expansion. You may expand the store, giving you more room for counters and items.
    Merchant Level 14: Change counters. At this level, you may change the counters in your store; buy them at the market.
    Merchant Level 15: Vending machines. You may place a few vending machines; buy them at the market.
    Merchant Level 16: Two items. If you are defeated in a dungeon, you may bring two items back instead of one.
    Merchant Level 13: Fusion Rank 2. At this level, Rank 2 fusion items are available at the guild.
    Merchant Level 17: Item storage. Your overall inventory space is upgraded to 25 slots in a dungeon.
    Merchant Level 18: More items. Even more items can be found at the guild or in the market.
    Merchant Level 20: Store expansion. At this level, you may expand the store even further.
    Merchant Level 21: Half pay. Your fame is such that every adventurer will cut their pay in half for you.
    Merchant Level 22: Vending madness. You may place vending machines without limit; buy them at the market.
    Merchant Level 23: More items. Truly epic varieties of items may be found at the guild or market.
    Merchant Level 24: Item storage. Your overall inventory space is upgraded to 30 slots in a dungeon.
    Merchant Level 19: Fusion Rank 3. At this level, Rank 3 fusion items are available at the guild.
    Merchant Level 26: Store expansion. You can expand your store to truly massive proportions.
    Merchant Level 25: Fusion Rank 4. At this level, Rank 4 fusion items are available at the guild.
    Merchant Level 30: Fusion Rank 5. At this level, Rank 5 fusion items are available at the guild.
    Merchant Level 40: Item storage. Your overall inventory space is upgraded to 35 slots in a dungeon.
    Merchant Level 50: Three items. If you are defeated in a dungeon, you may bring three items back instead of two.

Bonus characters

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:

    Arma: Unlock all other characters. Arma will visit you in the morning. Successfully complete the Lapis Ruins in Endless mode, and she will give you her card.
    Caillou: Reach Merchant Level 7. Caillou will place an order. Complete the order, then sell him items until he gives you his card.
    Charme: Defeat her in Jade Way, and sell at least two items to her. She will then enter the shop during an event.
    Elan: Unlock Charme, then do the pub event at night, then the merchants guild morning event. Finally, sell two items to him.
    Griff: Successfully complete the Obsidian Tower in Endless mode. Griff will then visit during two evenings and will give you his card.
    Louie: He will be unlocked the first time you go to the adventurers guild.
    Nagi: Randomly appears in dungeons after Day 9. Meet her four times in the dungeons, then wait for her to visit the shop, and sell items to her a few times.
    Tielle: Do Tielle’s events in the morning or afternoon in the Town Square. Successfully complete Jade Road and Amber Garden, then sell an item to her.

Bonus dungeons

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding dungeon:

    Amber Garden: Unlock Charme. View the event in the town square of Tielle chasing after her sister. Charme will then enter your store and mention a new dungeon.
    Crystal Nightmare: Successfully complete Lapis Ruins.
    Jade Way: Successfully complete Hall Of Trials.
    Lapis Ruins: Pay off the debt and unlock every character except Arma. Arma will enter your store and unlock this dungeon.
    Obsidian Tower: Defeat Tielle in Amber Garden, then watch both night events in the town square with Griff. Have your store towards a dark atmosphere to get Griff to come in during one of the two last slices of time. The next day Louie will enter your store and mention the new dungeon.

Haggling with customers

If a customer offers you an item, you can offer a low price. If the customer says that it is too cheap, but he or she does not leave the store, you can state the same price again and get the item at a very high price.

Haggling with Prime

Prime, Alouette’s fairy, is particularly sneaky. You can offer her a reasonable price for an item, and she will reject it, claiming that you are charging her too much. However, most of the time she is lying. Prime will tell you that you are charging too much when she actually just wants to pay less. You can offer her the same price repeatedly, and usually she will eventually accept it. Note: This does not always work. Try selling her items at 114% of the original price until she accepts.

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