



Redbox Might Be Going Next Gen

Redbox Might Be Going Next Gen

Are you familiar with Redbox kiosks? Those huge red vending machines set up at your local grocery store let you rent movies without anyone get in the middle. You simply choose to rent the movie, and then return it when you are done, no question’s asked. The Redbox formula strangely survived while Blockbuster did not, as users would be able to simply bring back their movies whenever they did their weekly grocery runs.

Well now it looks like Redbox will be entering the realm of video game rentals as well. According to a post on NeoGAF, Redbox has listed Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Wii U games on their website in the coming soon section. Other users are saying that some Redbox locations are already offering next gen titles.

Currently, Redbox only offers Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii games for rent, and their selection isn’t the most impressive. In addition, the only other video game rental service in existence, Gamefly, is already offering Xbox One, PS4, and Wii U games, though their service is mail-in only.

Source: NeoGAF

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