



RUMOR: Microsoft Testing IE On The Xbox 360?

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RUMOR: Microsoft Testing IE On The Xbox 360?


Last week we reported on a rumor that Microsoft would be unveiling a $99 Xbox 360 with a two-year, $15-a-month Xbox LIVE Gold plan. That rumor came to fruition earlier this week , which is why it seems likely that a new one, also brought out courtesy of The Verge and its unnamed sources, may also be true.

According to this new report, Microsoft is testing out full-on Internet browsing on the Xbox 360 through a modified version of Internet Explorer 9, which has heavily integrated Kinect support. The system can already use the Kinect’s voice sensor to run Bing searches with surprising accuracy, and the thought of navigating web pages simply by waving one’s hand in front of the screen truly does bring to mind those initial Minority Report fantasies I’m fairly certain I shared with most Kinect adopters.

That said, Microsoft has kept their mouths tightly shut about this so far though. Considering how even the Wii has basic browsing functionality, it seems silly that the company that actually makes its own web browser should have taken this long to bring it to their Internet-connected console, no?

By Shelby Reiches

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