



RUMOR: New DLC Characters For Mass Effect 3?

RUMOR: New DLC Characters For Mass Effect 3?


An image recently posted on Reddit shows what appear to be new DLC characters in Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer mode.

The image came with a caption saying “Just downloaded a test DLC on the Developer server for Mass Effect 3. It’s an unknown pack you buy from the store like any other. (Veteran, Spectre, etc.) And what did this mysterious test pack do? Unlocked everything .Thank you Developers.”

The image shows the Batarian Soldier, Geth Infiltrator, Geth Engineer, Katarian Sentinel, Krogan Battlemaster, and Asari Justicar classes in the Mass Effect interface. Some are speculating that this is the DLC that was to be packaged with the upcoming line of Mass Effect 3 action figures.

BioWare has not yet commented on the matter, but according to the original Reddit poster, “Chachoregard,” the DLC is totally operational.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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