



Shadow Warrior Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Shadow Warrior Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Shadow Warrior

[lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"]

Cheat Codes

[lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"]

While playing the game, press T, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
Toggle God mode, press J to fly swchan
All items swgimme
Enable all cheats swgreed
Level select swtrek [episode number][level number]
Display framerate swloc
Change resolution swres
Restart level swstart
Toggle clipping swghost
Toggle auto-mapping swmap
Bunny rockets swtrix
Win Pachinko game for an item winpachinko
Load another .CFG file config
Change multiplayer player name swname
Creates “dbg.foo” debugging file dumpsounds
Plays a sound sound [sound number]
Saves map swsave
Play CD music cdon
Stop CD music cdoff
Play CD track once cd play [track number]
Play CD track continuously cd loop [track number]
Clear saved game files clear
Display help menu help
Quit game swquit

[lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"]
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