



Sonic Generations Hits PCs

Sonic Generations Hits PCs


The tale of Sonic’s journey between consoles is a strange one indeed. Originally the SEGA mascot, he found his way to Nintendo when SEGA got out of the console business, and to Sony and Microsoft consoles shortly thereafter. However, now he finds himself playable on a platform that he’s rarely touched outside of emulators and last year’s Steam offerings.

SEGA has recently confirmed that a PC version of the upcoming Sonic Generations will be available for purchase on November 4th, only a few days after the console version drops. It will be available through all of SEGA’s digital partners, which apparently includes Steam. This also means that Generations will include Steam Cloud support, and may even include Steam achievements as well. We will bring you more details on who these other “digital partners” are once they become available.

Like the console version, the PC version will support full stereoscopic 3D for gamers that have graphics cards that can handle it. So if you are an old school SEGA fan who still hasn’t moved on to other consoles, consider getting Sonic Generation’s for the PC and hooking up your old Genesis controller via a USB converter. It’s sure to bring back good memories.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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