Roughly two years ago, Sega announced plans to produce a live action Sonic the Hedgehog film, with Deadpool director Tim Miller signed on as executive producer and Jeff Fowler directing. Originally, Sega was targeting a 2018 release, but that no longer seems to be the case.
The Hollywood Reporter is now reporting that Sega has targeted November 15, 2019 as the official date for the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. In addition to the names above, Pat Casey and Josh Miller, creators of Golan the Insatiable , are on the film as writers.
Paramount is the production company tackling the project, and it is reportedly planning the film as a mixture of live action and CGI. Also on the project as producers are Neal H. Moritz, Toby Ascher, Dmitri Johnson, and Dan Jevons.
Interestingly enough, Detective Pikachu will also be hitting theaters in 2019, albeit a few months earlier. It’s a similar syle of movie, based on a video game IP and a CGI/live action mashup. It will be fun to see how both of these movies turn out.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter