



Sony Asks If You Want Them Policing Your Behavior, Among Other Things

Sony Asks If You Want Them Policing Your Behavior, Among Other Things

Sony has decided that the best way to know what the fans want is to ask them themselves. They have recently posted a survey that was sent out to select PlayStation 4 owners, which asks how appealing several different features are. These features include:

  • A player reputation system based on a user rating system
  • Advanced matchmaking systems which will help you get paired with players at your skill level or of your preference
  • Ability to chat across PlayStation Platforms (i.e. the ability to chat between PS4, PS3, and PS Vita consoles)
  • The ability to change your PlayStation Network username
  • The ability to go invisible and see who is online without broadcasting the fact that you are online
  • The ability to party chat with more than 8 people at a time
  • The synchronization of messages and chats across all platforms, so that all PS3 and PS Vita messages will appear on your PS4 account and vice versa.
  • On screen notifications for when your friends come online

All of these features are possible inclusions in the PS4 interface. So what do you think? Do you want Sony following in Microsoft’s footsteps and integrating a new user rating system that will punish toxic individuals? Or are you more interested in increased chat functionality. Let us know in the comments.

Source: Sony

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