



Super Mario 3D Land Stage Revealed for Smash Bros.

Super Mario 3D Land Stage Revealed for Smash Bros.

Masahiro Sakurai recently revealed a brand new stage for the upcoming Super Smash Bros. The stage is based on Super Mario 3D Land , and basically allows you to go through an entire Super Mario 3D Land Stage . The stage scrolls sideways as the characters fight, making it easier to KO off the left edge of the screen. Characters will have to navigate pits, bricks and moving platforms, all while continuing to fight.

However, the stage won’t only scroll to the side. At a point, the stage will actually scroll into the background, with the terrain coming into the foreground to fight on. After that, the stage scrolls sideways once more, into the background once more, and then all characters fall into a giant pipe and have to do the stage all over again.

It’s not the most tournament balanced stage, but it still seems kind of cool. For now, it has only been revealed for the 3DS version of the game. It is unknown whether or not the Wii U version of the game will get it as well.

Source: Miiverse

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