



Surprise! Fallout 4 Sold Really Really Well

Surprise! Fallout 4 Sold Really Really Well

When Fallout 4 was announced, gamers were a bit surprised that the release date was right around the corner. Between marketing campaigns, and gamers’ natural ability to perpetuate hype, the game was practically guaranteed to do well. The fact that it is a sequel to one of the most beloved titles of the last console generation only solidified its success. Now some numbers are in, and we can see just how well the game performed.

According to SuperDate, the game managed to sell 1.87 million units, just digitally, in only 3 days. 1.2 million of those units were sold on PC through Steam, while the remainder were divided across Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Joost van Dreunen of SuperData believes that this many digital copies of the game amounts to around $100 million in revenue. This is on top of the 12 million copies of Fallout 4 that retailers reported selling last week.

Source: IGN

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