



Take a Chance on Game of Thrones Risk

Take a Chance on Game of Thrones Risk

Life in Westeros has always seemed like a risky prospect, but now it really will be a true Risk to participate in the fight for the Iron Throne. Game of Thrones Risk will be released in August 2015. The cost to play is high, but fortunately not your life. It’ll be $74.99.

Game of Thrones Risk allows between two and seven people to play. There’s a map of Westeros for three to five people, a map of Essos for two players, or both maps can be used at once so seven people can play. Naturally, there are tokens representing the seven Noble Houses within the game, coming up to 315 pieces total.

Each Noble House has multiple details inspired by the show. For example, House Targaryen has a giant dragon’s head as its Seat of Power, and one of its four character skill cards is of Daenerys.

If you always thought you were fit to rule, you’ll get to prove it with Game of Thrones Risk next month.

Source: Wall Street Journal

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