



Texas Cheat ‘Em Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

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Texas Cheat ‘Em Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Texas Cheat ‘Em Achievements

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    The Power of Suggestion (10 points): Use a “Suggestion” Cheat to assemble a full house or greater.
    You Low Down, Dirty #@^%! (10 points): Win a hand by using the “Guaranteed Win” Cheat.
    Sticky Fingers (10 points): Steal another player’s chips.
    You’re Missing The Point Here (25 points): Win a hand with a Straight or better without using any cheats.
    Nosey Parker (10 points): Use the Target X-Ray Cheat on another player.
    Overkill (10 points): Use five or more Cheats in a single hand.
    Fixer (10 points): Use Cheats to go from a High Card to a Straight or better.
    Come Out and Play (25 points): Win five consecutive PvP games initiated by other players.
    Something’s Fishy Here… (25 points): Win a hand with 5 of a Kind.
    Like a Bad Rash (10 points): Win a hand after folding and then using “Unfold”.
    Luck O’ the Draw (25 points): Increase your hand to a Straight or above using Player Swap or Deck Swap.
    Cheater For Life (30 points): Complete all levels of Career Cheat’em.
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