



The Expendables 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

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The Expendables 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

The Expendables 2 Trophies

Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    MISSION ACCOMPLISHED (Bronze): Complete the Campaign on Casual difficulty.
    THE EXTRA MILE (Silver): Complete the Campaign on Hardcore difficulty.
    UNDER DURESS (Bronze): Interrogate the sniper.
    4’S COMPANY (Bronze): Play through an entire chapter with 4 player co-op.
    CHALLENGE JUNKIE (Bronze): Complete all challenges.
    UNTOUCHABLE (Bronze): Complete a mission on Hardcore without getting healed.
    TIME IS MONEY (Bronze): Complete a challenge.
    KILLING MACHINE (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies in a single combo.
    PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER (Bronze): Perform all 4 fully upgraded grab moves.
    KNOCK, KNOCK (Bronze): Blow the factory gates!.
    GUN SAFARI (Bronze): Use each weapon in the game to kill an enemy.
    HANDS-ON (Silver): Kill 2,000 enemies using melee attack or grabs.
    BALKAN PARTY (Bronze): Complete Chapter 1.
    DESERT STORM (Bronze): Complete Chapter 2.
    URBAN PACIFICATION (Bronze): Complete Chapter 3.
    BURMA BREAKOUT (Bronze): Complete Chapter 4.
    FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE (Bronze): Heal 50 times.
    RAINING DOWN FIRE (Bronze): Take out the weapons train.
    BLANKET PARTY (Bronze): Perform all grab moves, melee attacks and team signature kills.
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