



The Witness Hidden at PAX

The Witness Hidden at PAX


When a new game is announced and in playable form, most developers try to make it into a huge point of interest. At larger events such as E3 and PAX this becomes an even greater challenge, usually involving tons of signs, perhaps a decked-out booth, and as many demo stations as can be mustered. This makes what Jonathon Blow, creator of Braid, did at PAX all the more unique.

Blow’s new game, The Witness, was playable at PAX, although not many would have had any clue. The game was only running on one unmarked PC during the expo. Blow explained his reasoning for this on his blog, stating “At a show full of companies trying to capture your attention and sell you things, I wanted to do something that is subtle, and a surprise — if you notice it, and decide to investigate, you find something unexpected.” He continues saying “Happily, the game worked very well — despite the fact that the visuals are still in an early prototype stage. People tended to play for a long time, and they liked what they played.”

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