



THQ Looking For Partners For Warhammer MMO

THQ Looking For Partners For Warhammer MMO


Yesterday, we reported that THQ is facing a bit of financial trouble and is gearing up to lay off about 240 people . Well, it doesn’t look like the developer wants to let these setbacks force them to abandon the long-awaited MMO Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium Online.

In a recent conference call with investors, THQ CEO Brian Farrell revealed that they are “actively looking” for a partnership that would help them get the game into gamers’ hands. During the call, Farrell had an optimistic tone, even though he has also taken a substantial cut to his salary in the wake of THQ’s restructuring. The CEO called the move “realistic” and remarked that the new plan would make THQ a “smaller, more agile entertainment company positioned for consistent profitability.”

THQ has held the rights to the Warhammer 40,000 franchise for over a decade and has consistently released games based on the property, but it has only been since last year’s release of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine that the franchise has gotten the level of respect that the fans think it deserves. Hopefully, Dark Millennium won’t fall through the cracks, or worse: be released before it’s properly completed.

By Josh Engen

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