



Tom Clancy’s Beta Nepotism

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Tom Clancy’s Beta Nepotism


When the Xbox 360 version of Splinter Cell Conviction hit, way back in the halcyon days of spring of 2010, it came with a little slip of paper that promised those who’d purchased the title access to the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier beta, when said beta launched in the fall of that year.

Fall came and went, as did winter, and now another full year has passed, with Future Soldier still in the pipe. The beta is coming, though, and Ubisoft says there’s still a reason to dust off that old copy of Conviction. Those who purchased Splinter Cell Conviction will receive one week’s early access to the beta before it opens up to non-Splinter Cell players.

After over a year and a half, though, doesn’t a single week of early access seem a slightly tame reward for those who’ve held onto Conviction—a particularly short entry in the series, with relatively limited multiplayer appeal—for this entire time?

By Shelby Reiches

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