



XBLA Kicks Off House Party On February 15th

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

XBLA Kicks Off House Party On February 15th


Microsoft is throwing a “House Party” on XBLA to showcase a handful of new Xbox LIVE Arcade games and build hype for the new products coming out for their digital distribution platform.

The House Party will start on February 15th, with a new featured game being released. A new House Party game will then release every following Wednesday until the party is over. Games revealed for the house party so far are Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, I Am Alive, Nexuiz, and Warp. I’m bettering that Alan Wake will close out the party with a bang.

A sister promotion entitled “Must-Have Games for Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone” is also starting in February, and it too will release one new game every week. The games includes are Bullet Asylum, Chicken Can’t Fly, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Splinter Cell: Conviction, and Toy Soldiers: Boot Camp.

No detailed release schedule or prices for either promotion were given, so keep an eye out for more news in the near future.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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