We recently stumbled across a study done by re-commerce site, Decluttr, that lists out the top games consumers are trading in by state. Of course, we thought this study was totally rad and the perfect platform to show the world the top five titles American gamers can’t wait to dump.
I’m not too surprised at Overwatch making its way to number 5 on our list as I always felt like the hype was worth much more than the actual game. Apparently all the gamers in the US couldn’t agree more.
Mortal Kombat X
Mortal Kombat X lands at number four on our list probably because all of the blood, guts, and skull ripping has worn out its welcome. The game was very well developed and played like a living piece of art. Unfortunately, and it pains me to say it, MKX is just another novelty fighting game with a short window of awesomeness.
Grand Theft Auto V
Coming in at number three on the list is Grand Theft Auto V . Out of all the games featured within this list, GTA 5 is the one that I can’t fully wrap my head around. With all the free content, contests, and expanded game modes, you would think this title would be one to keep around. Perhaps folks are just tired of blowing stuff up and mowing people down on the streets.
Madden 2016
This one is a no-brainer as the new installment, which we gave a stellar review, came out nearly two weeks ago. Unfortunately for many Madden 16 owners, they probably sold off at the worst possible time.
Fallout 4
The number one traded in video game in the U.S is claimed by none other than Bethesda Game Studios’ Fallout 4 . I’m a little surprised to see this bad boy up at number one as I figured the lifecycle of the game would have lasted a bit longer. My guess is people are looking to sell high and recuperate some backend costs. Either way, this powerhouse lands at number one on our list of dumped games. Happy trading!