



Tribes: Ascend Now Available On Steam

Tribes: Ascend Now Available On Steam


Tribes: Ascend has a fan base of over 1.2 million people, and these are people who have all downloaded the game directly from Hi-Rez Studios. Now the game is coming to Steam, which is sure to increase its fan base even more. Hope your servers can take the load, Hi-Rez.

For those of you worried about cost, don’t be. The game is still free-to-play, and accounts, weapons, and upgrades all transfer over to the Steam version. However, if you are looking to get a little more out of your game, Steam is offering a fifty percent discount on the Tribes Starter Pack. The pack includes a lifetime 50% XP boost, two classes, twelve weapon unlocks, four perk unlocks, and 800 Gold for ten dollars. However, this offer only stands till July 4th.

Tribes is an amazing fast-paced sci-fi arcade-style shooter. If you haven’t tried it out yet and are an avid Steam customer, it will easily keep you occupied for an afternoon or two of shooting glory.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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