



Uncharted 2 Gets another Update

Uncharted 2 Gets another Update


Though chances are you’ve already beaten the game and your interest is waning in the multiplayer aspects (MW2 the likely culprit), Naughty Dog has released update 1.03 for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

If you are one of the lucky bastards Santa will bless with a PS3 this year, you’ll be happy to know that the gaming experience of Uncharted 2 under v1.03 should be far superior. Top on the list: greatly improved load times.

Lots of other niggles, such as a double-cash fix, and additions, such as the introduction of clan tags, are set for immediate download. Below you’ll find the relevant patch details as posted on the Official PlayStation Blog by Naughty Dog’s Arne Meyer.

Blog Post Excerpt:

Added Version number to game menu – should display 1.03 after this update

Added Clan Tags – all players can now add a custom four letter Clan Tag in the Profile Menu (square) to display on-screen before their PSN ID

Load times have been decreased significantly

Added “Rematch” functionality

Adjusted some Boosters for balance

Addressed issue with Player’s Met screen in game menu and XMB displaying incorrectly

Addressed issue with Double Cash not doubling medal cash rewards

We’ve also made a slew of other changes to improve player experience.

I spoke with our multiplayer lead designer, Justin, to give us the lowdown on what’s so great about a few of these updates. Justin quickly shot me back an e-mail with the following info:

Clan Tags is an addition we’ve been working for a while on. While it’s not full Clan support, we wanted to be sure that everybody can fly their Clan colors within UNCHARTED 2 multiplayer. Support for this is available to all players from the very beginning and can be edited within the player Profile menu – the same place where you choose your boosters.

We have significantly decreased load times. You will notice that the game loads into a map much faster after leaving the vote screen. This will help get players into games faster and keep people playing instead of waiting in the menu system.

We have also added Rematch functionality. At the end of a game, all players will be put back into matchmaking together, allowing you to play the same group of people over again. This decreases wait times, while still allowing people to leave after a match if they so desire. Again, this gets people into games faster and allows more time playing and less time in the menus – all of which is a very, very good thing!

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