



Valve Looking Into Control Alternatives

Valve Looking Into Control Alternatives


Although Valve has dabbled into the world of accessible gaming before with things like colorblind mode and custom controllers, it seems the game development house wants to do more in this realm, and is looking at new control input methods that include things like selective body control (think Kinect but with only part of the body) as well as eye movement tracking.

Valve’s Mike Ambiter said, “It may be possible in the future to let the eyes act as a proxy for the mouse cursor, letting gamers transmit navigation and targeting inputs via eye movements. If you couple this approach with the use of blinks or other proxies for button presses, you may remove the need for a mouse and keyboard (or gamepad) all together”

This type of game input could open gaming up to those with physical or other disabilities, and could make gaming as inclusive (if not more so) than other forms of personal entertainment.

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