



Valve Getting Into The Computer Hardware Market?

Valve Getting Into The Computer Hardware Market?

Let the rumors continue .

Valve currently has a job posting for an Industrial Designer up on its website, in which the company declares that it is entering into the computer hardware market.

Now, according to Internet Logic, this obviously means that the fabled “Steam Box” is coming, and that King Gaben will be ascending to his throne as Supreme Console Overlord soon, right? Well, not so fast.

While the posting does state that Valve is “jumping in” due to its frustrations over “the lack of innovation in the computer hardware space,” it goes on to say that “even basic input, the keyboard and mouse, haven’t really changed in any meaningful way over the years.”

“There’s a real void in the marketplace, and opportunities to create compelling user experiences are being overlooked,” the posting continues.

So, yeah, could Valve be working on a project as massive as a new console? Sure. But that doesn’t mean that they are. They could very well be developing something much simpler. We just don’t know yet. When we do, we’ll be sure to let you know.

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