



Valve Says No To E3!

Valve Says No To E3!


Are you looking forward to seeing the next big Valve game at E3 this year? Well, too bad! Valve has recently claimed they won’t be showing any games at this year’s expo. That means no Half-Life 2: Episode 3, no Left 4 Dead 3, no Portal DLC, nothing!

Valve has made this unofficial statement: “Lots of folks have mailed asking about appointment times. Well, we are not showing any titles at this year’s show. So no appointment is needed.”

Unfortunately, this also means that fans will receive no word on Valve’s DOTA 2 project, nor will we hear any further news on Steam’s integration with the PS3.

It’s peculiar that Valve would go this route, considering they just had such a powerful release with Portal 2, and have already announced the upcoming DLC pack. Oh well, I suppose there is always 2012.

Then again, there is always the chance that Gabe Newell will randomly step on stage during the Sony press conference like he did last year.

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