



WCW Backstage Assault Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Nintendo 64 (N64)

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WCW Backstage Assault Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Nintendo 64 (N64)

WCW Backstage Assault Infinite stamina

At the main menu, press R(2), B, R(2), B. -From: [email protected]

Indestructible weapons

At the main menu, press L, R, L, R, C-Left(2). -From: [email protected]

Big women wrestlers

At the main menu, press R(2), B(2), L(2). -From: [email protected]

Small wrestlers

At the main menu, press R(2), L(2), C-Left, C-Right. -From: [email protected]

Alternate grunts

At the main menu, press R, L, R, L, B(2). The normal grunts will be replaced with rude sounds. -From: [email protected]

Wrestle as the 3 Count

Hit your opponent over the head with the TV in the Media Center in hardcore challenge mode to unlock the three members of the 3 Count.

Wrestle as Billy Kidman

Defeat Billy Kidman in hardcore challenge mode to unlock him.

Wrestle as Bret Hart

Win the Hardcore Gauntlet five times to unlock Bret Hart.

Wrestle as Buff Bagwell

Defeat Buff Bagwell in hardcore challenge mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock him.

Wrestle as Chris Candido

Defeat Chris Candido in hardcore challenge mode to unlock him.

Wrestle as Crowbar

Defeat Crowbar in hardcore challenge mode to unlock him.

Wrestle as Daffney

Win the Hardcore Gauntlet with Sid to unlock Daffney.

Wrestle as Don Harris

Defeat Don Harris in hardcore challenge mode to unlock him.

Wrestle as Elizabeth

Win a title with Lex Luger in hardcore challenge mode to unlock Elizabeth.

Wrestle as Eric Bischoff

Successfully complete hardcore challenge mode on the hard difficulty setting with Vince Russo to unlock Eric Bischoff.

Wrestle as General Rection

Win the Hardcore Gauntlet with Sting to unlock General Rection.

Wrestle as Johnny The Bull

Defeat Johnny The Bull in hardcore challenge mode to unlock him.

Wrestle as Kanyon

Defeat Kanyon in hardcore challenge mode to unlock him.

Wrestle as Kimberly

Successfully complete hardcore challenge mode on the hard difficulty setting with Diamond Dallas Page to unlock Kimberly.

Wrestle as Kronik (Brian Adams and Bryan Clark)

Set your opponent on fire in the block in hardcore challenge mode to unlock Brian Adams and Bryan Clark.

Wrestle as Lance Storm

Win the Hardcore Gauntlet to unlock Lance Storm.

Wrestle as La Parka

Knockout your opponent with the steel chair in the truck area in hardcore challenge mode to unlock La Parka. -From: [email protected]

Wrestle as Lex Luger

Defeat Lex Luger in hardcore challenge mode to unlock him.

Wrestle as Medusa

Get a fight going in the ladies bathroom in hardcore challenge mode to unlock Medusa.

Wrestle as Mike Awesome

Throw your opponent through a table, bench, or couch in the secret area of the block in hardcore challenge mode to unlock Mike Awesome.

Wrestle as Ms. Hancock

Give a created wrestler the Nasty Hip Swivel taunt. Then, select that wrestler in hardcore challenge mode on any difficulty setting. Do the Nasty Hip Swivel taunt at any time in the match to unlock Ms. Hancock.

Wrestle as Norman Smiley

Give a created wrestler the Big Wiggle taunt. Then, select that wrestler in hardcore challenge mode on any difficulty setting. Do the Big Wiggle taunt at any time in any match to unlock Norman Smiley.

Wrestle as Rey Mysterio Jr.

Defeat Rey Mysterio Jr. in hardcore challenge mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock him.

Wrestle as Ron Harris

Defeat Ron Harris in hardcore challenge mode to unlock him.

Wrestle as Scott Hall

Successfully complete hardcore challenge mode on the hard difficulty setting with Kevin Nash to unlock Scott Hall.

Wrestle as Shane Douglas

Defeat Shane Douglas in hardcore challenge mode to unlock him.

Wrestle as Tank Abbott

KO your opponent in the Block to unlock Tank Abbott.

Wrestle as Vampiro

Set your opponent on fire in the truck area in hardcore challenge mode to unlock Vampiro.

Wrestle as Vince Russo

Knockout your opponent with the briefcase in the Media Center or Parking Garage in hardcore challenge mode to unlock Vince Russo. -From: [email protected]

Wrestle as Mona, Elizebeth, and The Total Package

Successfully complete hardcore challenge mode with any male or female created wrestler to unlock Mona, Elizebeth, and The Total Package.

Wrestle as Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Lt. Loco, and Doug Dillinger

Successfully complete hardcore challenge mode on the easy difficulty setting with any male wrestler to unlock Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Lt. Loco, and Doug Dillinger.

Media Center

Successfully complete hardcore challenge mode and win the Hardcore Title. Then, compete for the U.S. Title. The Media Center will be unlocked before you complete it. Go to it and complete it for use in exhibition mode.

Parking Garage

Win both the Hardcore and United States Heavyweight Titles, then go to the World Heavyweight. The Parking Garage will be unlocked before you complete it. Go to it and complete it for use in exhibition mode.

Extra creation mode attribute points

Win the United States Heavyweight Title with Jeff Jarrett to get two extra attribute points or win the WCW World Heavyweight Title with any character to get three extra attribute points.

Alternate costumes

Successfully complete hardcore challenge mode on any difficulty setting with a wrestler to unlock their hidden costume(s).

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