The Metal Gear Solid franchise is one of our favorites. So now that the teaser for Phantom Pain is out and we have had a chance to step into the MGS world once again, we thought it would be fun to cast the characters of Phantom Pain ourselves. Now obviously no one at Kojima games cares or probably even reads this stuff. But as fan-boys of the series, we felt we would be remiss if we didn’t do this. So here we go.

Not much has been released about this character. Really we don’t even know if Ishmael is the character’s real name. So officially he doesn’t exist yet, but it gave us a space to put one of our favorite up-and-coming actors in the spot. Liam Hemsworth is the often overshadowed-by-his-brother’s-muscles actor that has chops for days and would be a great choice for a character in a game like MGS . He was great in the Expendables 2 …even if he did die too early.
Skull Face

Jackie Earle Haley is our pick for Skull Face. His roles both as Freddie Krueger and Rorschach lead us to believe that he is the perfect man for this job. That and he plays such great messed-up-in-the-head characters anyway. He would be great as the messy faced antagonist. At least, that was one of our first thoughts when we saw Skull Face in Ground Zeroes .

Lost Girl ’s Anna Silk was our choice for the silent heroine in MGSV . She is gorgeous and knows how to handle herself in a scrap. Also, she deals a bit with weapons in the show, so we figure it wouldn’t be a huge stretch to get her trained up with a sniper rifle. Look hot. Shoot. Repeat. Anna’s our girl.
Revolver Ocelot

J.K. Simmons was our immediate choice for Revolver Ocelot. When know he’s got the chops for intensity. Also, he deserves a shot at something better than J. Jonah Jameson–which he played exquisitely, by the way. Honestly, he was probably the shining star in the Toby McGuire Spider-verse.
Liquid Snake

We thought of none other than Nikolaj Coster-Waldau for the role of Liquid Snake. We know he can play a sleazy but somehow likeable a-hole. I mean, he kills as Jaime Lannister in Game of Thrones . He was even good in Guillermo Del Toro’s Mama as well. We’re pretty sure that Liquid wouldn’t be out of his league.
McDonell “Master” Miller

Henry Cavill came to mind for the role of Master Miller. Really only because Henry’s performance as a bearded, pissed off and confused Clark Kent led us to believe that he could not only look the part, but be a great operator and mentor character as well.
Huey Emmerich

Truly, who better to play a quirky, blond-headed genius than Woody Harrelson? Ok, so maybe the genius thing is a stretch, but still he would be a great dude to get for this role. He is obviously more than a little eccentric, which makes him a great choice since Huey’s spawn is none other than Hal “Otacon” Emmerich–who might be the quirkiest and most eccentric of them all.
Roy Campbell

Sir Anthony Hopkins was our first choice for this role. We know that Roy Campbell doesn’t have an English accent. But seriously, if you had Anthony Hopkins in your ear bud while you were doing some super secret stuff, we think you’d get a little pumped up too.
Code Talker

John Hurt. From Hellboy to V for Vendetta and all points in between, we think that this master of wordplay and delivery would be the obvious choice for a character as enigmatic as Code Talker.
Big Boss

We are leaving the casting where it is with Big Boss. Kiefer Sutherland has proved himself as an ample voice actor and action film star. His voice work on Ground Zeroes was convincing enough for us. We know he can do action…we watched 24 and the Sentinel . Trust us when we say, he’s the guy for the job.